by Newt Gingrich
published by Regnery Publishing, Inc
An Eagle Publishing Company
Washington, DC
Copyright 2005
Only read this book it you realize that Newt is a Counsel on Foreign anti-American globalist.
The does make a case for us being a Christian nation which is about the only thing that he gets right. All of his solutions are big government solutions. They mostly involve the military or ways the government can gain more information on us.
In chapter four he claims to talk about bring the courts back under the Constitution but he never mentions the Constitution solution found in Article II section 3.
The only place in the book that he actually uses the Constitution to support being for or against something in on pg. 182.
He talk about balancing the budget and cutting spending but with not mention of limiting spending to the things mentioned in Article I section 8.
He claims to be a Christian but talks about want to learn more about how life evolved on the planet.
He also claims on pg. 138 that the congress cut spending while he was Speaker but on the same page he says that spending grew by 2.3%.
Forget the left right paradigm that the author likes to promote and realize most politicians unless they are true Constitutionalists want larger government. They only differ on what they want government to control and how fast they want it to grew.