Wednesday, December 16, 2009

America for Sale

America for Sale: Fighting the New World Order, Surviving a Global Depression, and Preserving USA Sovereignty

by Jerome Corsi
Threshold Editions
New York, NY
copyright 2009

This definitely a What to Read.
This is a mainstream look at the New World order. Dr. Corsi is often falsely labeled as a right wing Republican but he is not a Republican is a member of the Constitution Party. In this book he looks at how as he states the political right and the political left, Republicans and Democrats, are to blame for the financial crisis and how they both in their own way are selling out the American people in favor of globalism.
He also looks at solutions. Solutions to reverse the global New Deal.
1. Close Down the Federal Reserve (Read End the Fed by Ron Paul).
2. Pull out of NAFTA, CAFTA, and the WTO.
3. Close down the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank.
4. Cut taxes and Close the IRS.
5. Create a Gold-Backed US Dollar for International Trade. (I would have a gold backed dollar period.
Personal Strategies for Economic Hard Times.
1. Bring Expanded Families Back Together.
2. Relocate in Small Towns
3. Plan for Second and Third Careers.
4. Avoid Investing in Stocks and Bonds.
5. Invest in Primary Residential Real Estate.
6. Reduce Debt (Read The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey).
7. Buy Gold.
A Plan for Patriots.
1. Secure the Border and Enforce Immigration Laws.
2. Involve Congress in All National-Emergency Declarations.
3. Declare State Sovereignty Under the Ninth and Tenth Amendments.
4. End Bailouts and Balance the Federal Budget.
5. Eliminate Federal Social-Welfare Programs.

The only side that this book takes is that of a Sovereign US.

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