America for Sale: Fighting the New World Order, Surviving a Global Depression, and Preserving USA Sovereignty
by Jerome Corsi
Threshold Editions
New York, NY
copyright 2009
This definitely a What to Read.
This is a mainstream look at the New World order. Dr. Corsi is often falsely labeled as a right wing Republican but he is not a Republican is a member of the Constitution Party. In this book he looks at how as he states the political right and the political left, Republicans and Democrats, are to blame for the financial crisis and how they both in their own way are selling out the American people in favor of globalism.
He also looks at solutions. Solutions to reverse the global New Deal.
1. Close Down the Federal Reserve (Read End the Fed by Ron Paul).
2. Pull out of NAFTA, CAFTA, and the WTO.
3. Close down the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank.
4. Cut taxes and Close the IRS.
5. Create a Gold-Backed US Dollar for International Trade. (I would have a gold backed dollar period.
Personal Strategies for Economic Hard Times.
1. Bring Expanded Families Back Together.
2. Relocate in Small Towns
3. Plan for Second and Third Careers.
4. Avoid Investing in Stocks and Bonds.
5. Invest in Primary Residential Real Estate.
6. Reduce Debt (Read The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey).
7. Buy Gold.
A Plan for Patriots.
1. Secure the Border and Enforce Immigration Laws.
2. Involve Congress in All National-Emergency Declarations.
3. Declare State Sovereignty Under the Ninth and Tenth Amendments.
4. End Bailouts and Balance the Federal Budget.
5. Eliminate Federal Social-Welfare Programs.
The only side that this book takes is that of a Sovereign US.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Glenn Beck's Common Sense
Glenn Beck's Common Sense: The Case Against an Out-of-Control Government

by Glenn Beck
Published by Threshold Editions
New York, NY
copyright 2009
Read with Caution
If you read this carefully you will find that the overall theme of the Glenn Beck portion is stand down no matter what. He makes many good points but does not have a good grasp of all the issues he covers.
The demonizes militias in the introduction. The Constitution calls them necessary. The does not really understand what inflation is. He says that America has succeed because of freedom and capitalism with no mention of the blessings of God.
He thinks that the system that the founders adopted was to push candidates to the center. This is a symptom of the two party system not an intent of the founders the wanted many candidates and most were at the founding against parties at all. Term limits will not help without more parties either we would just be getting a new lessor of two evils. We need good candidates to step up and run.
He fails to identify both the Democrats and Republicans, the political right and the political left as being pro-New World Order. That they are both controlled by the Council on Foreign Relations.
He claims that the government has no powers that we the people do not have. OK. Who can I tax?
He does not think that there are or will be FEMA camps. There were no camps when they rounded up the Japanese Americans during WWII.
by Glenn Beck
Published by Threshold Editions
New York, NY
copyright 2009
Read with Caution
If you read this carefully you will find that the overall theme of the Glenn Beck portion is stand down no matter what. He makes many good points but does not have a good grasp of all the issues he covers.
The demonizes militias in the introduction. The Constitution calls them necessary. The does not really understand what inflation is. He says that America has succeed because of freedom and capitalism with no mention of the blessings of God.
He thinks that the system that the founders adopted was to push candidates to the center. This is a symptom of the two party system not an intent of the founders the wanted many candidates and most were at the founding against parties at all. Term limits will not help without more parties either we would just be getting a new lessor of two evils. We need good candidates to step up and run.
He fails to identify both the Democrats and Republicans, the political right and the political left as being pro-New World Order. That they are both controlled by the Council on Foreign Relations.
He claims that the government has no powers that we the people do not have. OK. Who can I tax?
He does not think that there are or will be FEMA camps. There were no camps when they rounded up the Japanese Americans during WWII.
Common Sense,
Glenn Beck,
Thomas Pain,
What not to Read
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
George Washington on Leadership
George Washington on Leadership

by Richard Brookhiser
published by Basic Books
Philadelphia, PA
copyright 2008
Read this Book
This book is a good examination of the trials that Washington faced as a leader from the time he was a young officer in the French and Indian War until his post presidency life. It also compares some of his leadership style to the leadership of other founding fathers. The author also does a good job translating the principles to the current age from the 1700's.
by Richard Brookhiser
published by Basic Books
Philadelphia, PA
copyright 2008
Read this Book
This book is a good examination of the trials that Washington faced as a leader from the time he was a young officer in the French and Indian War until his post presidency life. It also compares some of his leadership style to the leadership of other founding fathers. The author also does a good job translating the principles to the current age from the 1700's.
George Washington,
what to read
Thursday, September 17, 2009
The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History
The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History
by Thomas Woods, Jr., Ph.D.
published by Regnery Publishing Co.
Washington, DC
copyright 2004
Read this book.
The book is great but there is on point that I thought was disingenuous. On page 150 his criticism of unions and real wages does not mention that the dollar was appreciating during a time that and most European currencies were depreciating. I am sure that Mr. Woods is aware of that fact. I will probably end up reading every book in the PIG series.
by Thomas Woods, Jr., Ph.D.
published by Regnery Publishing Co.
Washington, DC
copyright 2004
Read this book.
The book is great but there is on point that I thought was disingenuous. On page 150 his criticism of unions and real wages does not mention that the dollar was appreciating during a time that and most European currencies were depreciating. I am sure that Mr. Woods is aware of that fact. I will probably end up reading every book in the PIG series.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
The Next Four Years; A Vision of Victory
The Next Four Years: A Vision of Victory
by Howard Phillips
published by Adrfoit Press
Franklin, TN
copyright 1992
Read this book.
Although this book was written several years ago it is still a good read. It is a compilation of the speeches given at the founding convention of the US Taxpayer Party which is now the Constitution Party. Ron Paul is among the speakers. The are several topics including sound money. The principles that are mentioned are still relevant today. The Constitution does not change easily. Although the courts would like us to think that it is a changing document. It is not. It is a contract.
by Howard Phillips
published by Adrfoit Press
Franklin, TN
copyright 1992
Read this book.
Although this book was written several years ago it is still a good read. It is a compilation of the speeches given at the founding convention of the US Taxpayer Party which is now the Constitution Party. Ron Paul is among the speakers. The are several topics including sound money. The principles that are mentioned are still relevant today. The Constitution does not change easily. Although the courts would like us to think that it is a changing document. It is not. It is a contract.
Christians, Islamic Terrorism, and Israel
Christians, Islamic Terrorism, and Israel
by Jim Vineyard
publisher unknown
no copyright
Read this Book.
This book is very informative though I do not agree with everything. The biggest problem I have is that though what is presented is factual it ignores that fact that Islamic people are being used by the elites of the world including the US.
There are many scripture references and this is a better study of the Muslim Religion than it is of Terrorism.
by Jim Vineyard
publisher unknown
no copyright
Read this Book.
This book is very informative though I do not agree with everything. The biggest problem I have is that though what is presented is factual it ignores that fact that Islamic people are being used by the elites of the world including the US.
There are many scripture references and this is a better study of the Muslim Religion than it is of Terrorism.
The FairTax Book
The FairTax Book
by Neal Boortz
published by Regan Books
New York, NY
copyright 2005
Read this Book.
Whether or not you support the the idea of the FairTax you should read this book so that you know what it is about. The biggest fault in the logic that I found was the claim that wages would go up because the money that now goes to taxes could go to the employees and that prices would go down (pretax) because the taxes would not have to be incorporated into the price. You cannot have both.
by Neal Boortz
published by Regan Books
New York, NY
copyright 2005
Read this Book.
Whether or not you support the the idea of the FairTax you should read this book so that you know what it is about. The biggest fault in the logic that I found was the claim that wages would go up because the money that now goes to taxes could go to the employees and that prices would go down (pretax) because the taxes would not have to be incorporated into the price. You cannot have both.
The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Constitution
The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Constitution
by Kevin Gutzman

published by Regnery Publishing
Washington, DC
copyright 2007
Definitely Read this Book!
The worst part of the book is that it shows that we were screwed up (Constitutionally) from the beginning. It shows that even Washington subverted the Constitution. The author discusses many Supreme Court cases and the flawed (at best) logic used to decided them. Including the "emanations of penumbra," which is legalese for we just made it up.
Gutzman understands the Constitution and the RATIFIERS intentions. He shows why the ratifying conventions should be were we get our understanding even more than the Federalist Papers or that writing of the drafters.
by Kevin Gutzman
published by Regnery Publishing
Washington, DC
copyright 2007
Definitely Read this Book!
The worst part of the book is that it shows that we were screwed up (Constitutionally) from the beginning. It shows that even Washington subverted the Constitution. The author discusses many Supreme Court cases and the flawed (at best) logic used to decided them. Including the "emanations of penumbra," which is legalese for we just made it up.
Gutzman understands the Constitution and the RATIFIERS intentions. He shows why the ratifying conventions should be were we get our understanding even more than the Federalist Papers or that writing of the drafters.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Don't Start the Revolution Without Me
Don't Start the Revolution With out Me

By Jesse Ventura with Dick Russell
Published by Skyhorse Publishing
New York, NY
copyright 2008
Read this book at your own risk.
At times reading this book I said to myself "Jesse you nailed it." At other times I almost stopped reading it because of his anti-Christian bias and Christian bashing. Before reading this book I thought that I could vote for Jesse. I would never do that now. He should himself to be just a politician not a statesman. If you are considering supporting Jesse read the book. He is ani-Christian, thinks global warming (even though there is currently global cooling) is man made, and is pro-abortion. He talks abour common sense not the Constitution.
By Jesse Ventura with Dick Russell
Published by Skyhorse Publishing
New York, NY
copyright 2008
Read this book at your own risk.
At times reading this book I said to myself "Jesse you nailed it." At other times I almost stopped reading it because of his anti-Christian bias and Christian bashing. Before reading this book I thought that I could vote for Jesse. I would never do that now. He should himself to be just a politician not a statesman. If you are considering supporting Jesse read the book. He is ani-Christian, thinks global warming (even though there is currently global cooling) is man made, and is pro-abortion. He talks abour common sense not the Constitution.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
The Spy Chips Threat
The Spy Chips Threat: Why Christians Should Resist RFID and Electronic Surveilance
by Katherine Albrecht and Liz McIntyre
published by Nelson Current
Nashville, TN
Copyright 2006
Read this book.
This book explains what RFID chips are for those who do not know and what the government and major companies want to use them for. It is scary. They even want to inject these into our bodies. They will place a mark on the skin to indicate that one has the chip and where it is located. Originally this was going to be called "The Mark."
There is too much in this book to even summarize.
by Katherine Albrecht and Liz McIntyre
published by Nelson Current
Nashville, TN
Copyright 2006
Read this book.
This book explains what RFID chips are for those who do not know and what the government and major companies want to use them for. It is scary. They even want to inject these into our bodies. They will place a mark on the skin to indicate that one has the chip and where it is located. Originally this was going to be called "The Mark."
There is too much in this book to even summarize.
current events,
police state,
what to read
Monday, June 1, 2009
Cosbyology: Essays and Observations from the Doctor of Comedy

by William H. Cosby, Jr.
published by Hyperion
New York
copyright 2001
What can I say this is vintage Cosby. He is funny. He talks about life and makes you laugh. Even I need a break from the serious reading sometimes. The book contains twenty short humorous stories. Read one a day or something like that.
by William H. Cosby, Jr.
published by Hyperion
New York
copyright 2001
What can I say this is vintage Cosby. He is funny. He talks about life and makes you laugh. Even I need a break from the serious reading sometimes. The book contains twenty short humorous stories. Read one a day or something like that.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Winning the Future
Winning the Future: A 21st Century Contract with America
by Newt Gingrich
published by Regnery Publishing, Inc
An Eagle Publishing Company
Washington, DC
Copyright 2005
Only read this book it you realize that Newt is a Counsel on Foreign anti-American globalist.
The does make a case for us being a Christian nation which is about the only thing that he gets right. All of his solutions are big government solutions. They mostly involve the military or ways the government can gain more information on us.
In chapter four he claims to talk about bring the courts back under the Constitution but he never mentions the Constitution solution found in Article II section 3.
The only place in the book that he actually uses the Constitution to support being for or against something in on pg. 182.
He talk about balancing the budget and cutting spending but with not mention of limiting spending to the things mentioned in Article I section 8.
He claims to be a Christian but talks about want to learn more about how life evolved on the planet.
He also claims on pg. 138 that the congress cut spending while he was Speaker but on the same page he says that spending grew by 2.3%.
Forget the left right paradigm that the author likes to promote and realize most politicians unless they are true Constitutionalists want larger government. They only differ on what they want government to control and how fast they want it to grew.
by Newt Gingrich
published by Regnery Publishing, Inc
An Eagle Publishing Company
Washington, DC
Copyright 2005
Only read this book it you realize that Newt is a Counsel on Foreign anti-American globalist.
The does make a case for us being a Christian nation which is about the only thing that he gets right. All of his solutions are big government solutions. They mostly involve the military or ways the government can gain more information on us.
In chapter four he claims to talk about bring the courts back under the Constitution but he never mentions the Constitution solution found in Article II section 3.
The only place in the book that he actually uses the Constitution to support being for or against something in on pg. 182.
He talk about balancing the budget and cutting spending but with not mention of limiting spending to the things mentioned in Article I section 8.
He claims to be a Christian but talks about want to learn more about how life evolved on the planet.
He also claims on pg. 138 that the congress cut spending while he was Speaker but on the same page he says that spending grew by 2.3%.
Forget the left right paradigm that the author likes to promote and realize most politicians unless they are true Constitutionalists want larger government. They only differ on what they want government to control and how fast they want it to grew.
Newt Gingrich,
What not to Read,
Winning the Future
Monday, March 23, 2009
Schmoozing with Terrorists
Schmoozing with Terrorists...From Hollywood to the Holy Land, Jihadists Reveal Their Global Plans -to a Jew!
By Aaron Klein
WND Books
Midpoint Trade Books
27 West 20th Street, Suite 1102
New York, NY 10011
Copyright 2007
This book is a definite what to read.
Aaron Klein is a Jewish reporter who meets with terrorists where they live. They treat him to tea while telling him that they are going to kill him. The one important thing to remember when reading the book is that Klein is Jewish. This is important when he is editorializing. Also, he often uses the word Christians to describe people who are just not Jewish and not necessarily Christian.
If you only read one chapter of the book the must read is chapter six: How YOU Fund Terrorism. This chapter deals with how the US government funds terrorist groups. The reasoning is that they will use them against our common enemies. They do this but then when they have the opportunity to they give them to the common enemy to kill Americans and Jews.
By Aaron Klein
WND Books
Midpoint Trade Books
27 West 20th Street, Suite 1102
New York, NY 10011
Copyright 2007
This book is a definite what to read.
Aaron Klein is a Jewish reporter who meets with terrorists where they live. They treat him to tea while telling him that they are going to kill him. The one important thing to remember when reading the book is that Klein is Jewish. This is important when he is editorializing. Also, he often uses the word Christians to describe people who are just not Jewish and not necessarily Christian.
If you only read one chapter of the book the must read is chapter six: How YOU Fund Terrorism. This chapter deals with how the US government funds terrorist groups. The reasoning is that they will use them against our common enemies. They do this but then when they have the opportunity to they give them to the common enemy to kill Americans and Jews.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
This blog will be book reviews from my perspective. If someone else has that same perspective I will let them write reviews also. Sometimes the book will be new sometimes it will be older. It will be labeled as to author and what subject I believe that it should be. Sometimes it will be a book I recently read and other times it will be a book that I read a while ago. It will always have my somewhat unique comments.
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